Personal Finance 101


Intimidated by finance or investing and don't know where to begin? It’s not as difficult as you may believe. Learn the fundamentals of financial literacy starting with basic personal finance (budgeting, credit, depreciating assets, etc.), expanding into retirement planning (401k, IRA, Roth, Traditional, etc.) and investment strategies (long-term investing, cashflow investing, etc.). 

This course focuses on the important aspects of financial literacy - knowledge I wish someone would have taught me when I was younger - every person should know. The course format provides simplified and non-intimidating steps to take control of your finances and begin building wealth today. The course is separated into two sections. Part 1 focuses on understanding the basics. Part 2 focuses on strategies you can use to build your wealth. What’s included:

  • Table of Contents

  • Beginners Guide to Opening a Brokerage Account

  • Glossary of common financial terms

  • Retirement Account Comparison Matrix

  • Investment Vehicle Comparison Matrix

  • Collection of useful spreadsheets (401k calculator, compound interest calculator, mortgage comparison calculator, Traditional vs. Roth tool, etc.)

Once purchased the course is yours forever. You can watch as many times as you want, whenever you want and at your own pace.

~2.5 hours |  ($50)

*Note: The link above will direct you to a 3rd party website (Gumroad) to download the course. Gumroad is similar to Etsy, except Gumroad is a file sharing resource instead of a physical product resource. I appreciate your consideration and purchase!

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What People Are Saying…

“I always wanted to learn about investing but didn’t know where to start. This presentation covered the basics of finance and investing! It answered a lot of question that many of us should know, but don’t.”

— Nicole S

“Hey Josh, I wanted to let you know my husband and I completed Personal Finance 101. We don't trust ourselves to do our own investing, but you're the reason we started investing with a planner. You've made an impact on our lives."

— Diane W

“Personal Finance 101 is a great course I would highly recommend for anyone looking to start a financial secure future at any age. Start having your money work for you! The course provides a good overview of financial terms in a simple, organized way and how to begin with your investing.”

— Jared S

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.